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Hotel-restaurant Steaua Dunarii


01. Descriere

GPS coordinates: 44.674828 / 44°40’29” N – 22.321010 / 22°19’16” E

Address: Danube Street, Eselnița Commune, Mehedinți district

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Monastery Baia de Aramă

Monastery Baia de Aramă

It was built, according to tradition, at the urging and with the help of...
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Monastery Coșuștea-Crivelnic

Monastery Coșuștea-Crivelnic

It was built, according to an old tradition, by Saint Nicodemus of Tismana. On...
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Monastery Gura Motrului

Monastery Gura Motrului

Tradition attributes it to Saint Nicodemus of Tismana and the founding of this monastery, known today...
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The medieval fortress of Severin

The medieval fortress of Severin

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Monastery Cerneți

Monastery Cerneți

For a long time throughout history, the village of Cerneţi was a cause of...
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Monastery Jiana

Monastery Jiana

It was established as a monastery of monks in 2008.  The erection of the...
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