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Wine Museum


01. Descriere

The Wine Museum, located in Kaylaka Park, is a project unique in Bulgaria, being arranged inside a cross-shaped cave. It was established in 2008 and is the result of a collaboration between Bulgarian and French architects, wine experts from Pleven and the Pleven History Museum. The town of Pleven was chosen for the implementation of this project because it is considered as the first center of the Bulgarian wine industry. The first professional school of viticulture and oenology in Pleven was started in 1890, and in 1902 the National Wine Institute of Bulgaria was created. The collection inside the museum is arranged into five cave galleries, with a total area of over 650 square meters and contains more than 7,000 bottles, from all known varieties in Bulgaria, some wines between the ages of 90 and 40 years.  Visitors have the opportunity to taste and learn about wine history and different varieties of wine.

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