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Restaurant La Street


01. Descriere

GPS coordinates: 43.850958 / 43°51’3” N – 25.955588 / 25°57’20” E

Address: Alexandrovska Street no. 77, pedestrian area in the center of Ruse, Ruse district

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Eco-museum with aquarium in Ruse

Eco-museum with aquarium in Ruse

“The Eco-museum with aquarium” is located in a heritage building built at the beginning...
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Monastery of St. Demetrius Basarbov

Monastery of St. Demetrius Basarbov

This monastery is close to the city of Ruse, in the picturesque cliffs around...
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Roman fortress Sexaginta Prista in Ruse

Roman fortress Sexaginta Prista in Ruse

The Roman fortress Sexaginta Prista bears this name, meaning “port of the sixty ships”,...
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Saint George Church in Ruse

Saint George Church in Ruse

It was built on the ruins of the old wooden church, burned during the...
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Adresă: Piața Svoboda, în centrul orașului Ruse, districtul Ruse
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Holy Trinity Monastery in Ruse

Holy Trinity Monastery in Ruse

The church is the oldest building in the city, built on the ruins of...
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Medieval Citadel Cerven

Medieval Citadel Cerven

În perioada sec. XII-XIV,  orașul medieval bulgar Cherven a fost unul dintre cele mai...
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Restaurant  La Ponton

Restaurant La Ponton

GPS coordinates: 43.854841 / 43°5’17” N – 25.952941 / 25°57’10” E Address: : Pristanishtana...
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Cave Orlova Chuka

Cave Orlova Chuka

The Orlova Chuka cave is located on the right side of the Cherni Lom...
July 18, 2019